
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How can I give myself a programming assignment?

It is the most daunting question for every programmer who is in a process to gain some experience and hunt for a new job. This kind of circumstances occurs during the time of pre-finale exams of the college so that the acquired knowledge lands them to a good job after graduation.
There are apps that student can create such as:
· A responsive web-based application.
· Apps designed for android and app store.
· An extension for apps like Chrome and Mozilla.
· Using the API of Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter
· Scripts and Utilities.
Apart from gaining some experience from the above process, here are some more ideas which can be implemented for programming assignment help and computer assignment help:
1) Person Finder: This app was developed by Google, which helps in searching and finding the missing person during the time of calamities. By building a customized template for this app one can gain much experience. Such customization may include
· Add, edit or delete details of the person
· Search the details of the person
2) Building a clone: Making a clone requires a lot of experience, which will be a great way to assign yourself an assignment.
3) Creation of Plugins: By creating a plugin like creating a photo gallery or some other useful plugins with CSS and JQuery can be pretty helpful.
4) Creating apps of contact backup, as many people still face hindrance in taking a backup of the contacts.
5) The CGPA is a widely recognized tool for admission procedure, creating an app calculator for calculating CGPA could be widely accepted.
6) Most of the NGO’s still do not have websites. Creating a website for the NGO’s can be helpful for them to circulate and gain donations for managing their expense
7) A scheduler for specific diseases: To make a to-do list for all the patient suffering from a particular disease. The feature of this app will be:
· Summary of the Patient and the problems he is suffering
· The list of medicine suggested by the doctors along with the time
· Scheduling the next visit
· Time of order to take new sets of medicine once it gets over.

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